Car Accidents

Car Accidents

If you are injured in a car accident in Bridgeport, Trumbull, Fairfield County – or anywhere in Connecticut – and your injury was the result of another driver’s negligence, call an experienced car accident attorney immediately. The personal injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Jonathan Spodnick have over 30 years of experience successfully representing injured victims of car accidents.

If a negligent driver injures you, we work to help you obtain compensation for:

• Medical expenses, office visits, prescriptions, and treatments
• Lost income
• Dismemberment, disfigurement, or temporary or permanent disability
• Wrongful Death of a loved one
• Pain, suffering, or emotional distress

Some injuries are immediately apparent after an accident. For example if you suffered a broken bone fracture, there may be severe pain, and swelling at the site, which will necessitate medical treatment immediately. However, in other cases like connective or soft tissue injuries, or muscular injuries, the effects may not be immediately visible.

For instance, if you have been in a rear end accident, you’re very likely to suffer from whiplash, in which there is tremendous strain and stress placed on the neck muscles. Symptoms of whiplash may not be visible in the minutes or hours after an accident, but may show up a couple of days later. You may suffer from pain, which becomes chronic and persistent.
The presence of injuries like this is the reason why you need to get a medical checkup as soon as you have suffered an accident. Even if your injuries are not visible and you feel perfectly fine, get yourself to a doctor and seek a medical evaluation. A checkup will reveal, whether you have soft tissue injuries, concussion or other injuries whose symptoms haven’t begun to reveal themselves.

Do not sign any insurance forms and accept no settlement before talking a good Bridgeport or Trumbull car accident lawyer at the Law Offices of Jonathan Spodnick. No two cases are alike, but our first priority is always ensuring that clients have received proper medical testing. We will examine and review your medical records and test results to determine the extent of your injuries.

We also will hire a private investigator if necessary to gather evidence at the accident scene, question witnesses, secure photographs or surveillance video. We initiate our own investigation promptly, working with experts to obtain the evidence that verifies your claim. We pursue the negligent parties and their insurance companies to win full financial compensation for your loss. If necessary, we’ll take your case to trial and ask a jury to decide.

Proving negligence or liability is critical to the success of your car accident claim. If we can prove that the other motorist was liable in your car accident, it encourages the insurer to settle the claim quickly.
Proving liability depends very heavily on the kind of evidence that is collected after an accident. This is why a car accident lawyer would stress the importance of collecting evidence after an accident.

For instance, soon after a car accident, you should try to get the contact information including the names and addresses, of witnesses at the scene. Take photographs of the accident scene, and take photographs of injuries. If you noticed that the other motorist was speeding when he was headed in your direction, or if you noticed that he was texting on his phone while driving, note this down. The longer you delay noting down important details like this, the more likely it is that you’ll forget details that are crucial to your claim. We can help to obtain copies of police reports, and assist in documenting all your medical expenses. We also will get to work on getting the medical opinions of your treating physicians or providers.

Other parties may be liable if there’s an accident on a poorly-designed or poorly-maintained street or highway. Like the weakest link in a chain, a road is only as safe as the most negligent driver who’s on it. No matter how safely you drive, an accident can happen anywhere, anytime you’re on the road. Arrange to speak promptly with an attorney who can fight aggressively for the compensation you deserve. We have been representing accident victims for over 25 years and we know how to take a case to Trial and make sure it is properly prepared to be presented to a Jury. Our careful and thorough preparation helps us get you full compensation and justice for the harms that have occurred and the changes that have taken place in your life.

Because of the lasting impact a car accident can have on your life, it is essential that you protect yourself from the beginning by hiring a competent attorney to represent you. Here are just a few reasons why you should always hire an attorney rather than taking your chances without competent representation:

• Many people don’t realize that hiring an attorney to represent you when you’ve been injured in a car accident doesn’t cost you a penny out of your own pocket. The attorney is paid only if you receive compensation.

• A car accident attorney can make sure that you have filed the necessary reports and obtained the appropriate medical treatment. While there are steps you must take, your attorney can also ensure you take no missteps that might jeopardize your claim.

• A claim will include both economic as well as noneconomic damages. Economic damages may include those damages that are easily quantifiable like medical expenses, lost income and diminished earning capacity. Non-economic damages will seek to compensate individuals for those damages that are not tangible. Pain-and-suffering is one of these noneconomic damages. You can’t measure the amount of pain and suffering that a person has undergone as a result of a personal injury. That’s why these damages are a little more difficult to calculate than economic damages, however an attorney will be able to handle this part of the claim for you.

• Insurance Companies frequently do not offer injury victims the full value of a personal injury claim. An insurance company might give you an offer that’s far too low; it also might try to avoid paying you anything. A car accident attorney will make sure the insurance company in your case plays by the rules. We only represent injured victims and have no insurance companies as our clients.

We keep you fully up-to-date regarding your case. We help you understand how an accident can change your life and that of your family. We will help you pursue the options that are in your best interests. We never charge you until you are awarded the compensation you deserve.

If your case can’t be settled for an amount that fairly compensates you for your injuries, we will represent you in Court as we have done for countless families for the past 30 years. We know how to try a case and are willing to fight for you no matter how long your case takes or how difficult it becomes. We are proud of our record of courtroom victories for injured car accident victims.
Court Room
If you are injured in a car accident in Bridgeport, Trumbull, Fairfield, Monroe, Stratford, Norwalk, Waterbury or anywhere in Connecticut, and another driver’s negligence caused your injury, please call us for a free appointment at the Law Offices of Jonathan Spodnick. Call us at (203) 372-1500. We are happy to discuss your case and see if there is any way we can make things better for you. Thank you for considering our office for your personal injury case.

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